UXRomandie is a well established interest group in Lausanne, Geneva and the whole Leman area. UXRomandie is a local chapter of the IxDA.
The group started in 2012 and went from organising bookclubs for 10 to 15 persons to organising workshops and talks for an audience of 100+. UXRomandie meets every 3rd Tuesday of each month. It is now a non-profit organization.
The Interaction Design Association (IxDA) is a global network of over 55 000 members and 150 local groups worldwide dedicated to the professional practice of Interaction Design
IxDA was founded in 2003 and is today involved in many initiatives relating to the interaction design issues for the practitioner, no matter their level of expertise.
User Experience is still a relatively confidential industry in Switzerland, even though some of the finest designers are based here. UXRomandie tries to connect the dots, making users and professionals realise what sort of research and work are behind the technology they use on a daily basis.
Opportunities to learn new things, challenge your theories and acquire new skills are not frequent in Switzerland. we love learning stuff and wants to improve, that's why we started organising this type of events.
Using better design simplifies life for everyone, so helping spread the word about best practices, encouraging pragmatic, user-centered design is our way to contribute in its own, local way to make this world a better place.
A swiss web agency that specializes in the ergonomics and design of websites, mobile apps, intranets and machine interface.
Local chapter of IxDA (Interaction Design Association), we organize monthly events to try restoring meaningful relationships between people and the products & services they use.