Anna Dahlström

Founder and Interaction Designer at ByFlock

Device Agnostic Design


how to get your content to go anywhere.

There was a time when we did pretty page designs and when those designs were pretty much what we saw in our desktop browsers. With the introduction and rise of smartphones, tablets, phablets - as well as a bigger variety in larger and smaller screens - there isn’t one view of our designs anymore. Instead, what we design need to be able to adapt so that it’s displayed in a way that is suitable for the device that is being used.
With responsive design we’ve learnt the basics of how to adapt content, interactions and layouts so that it works across devices. But with further developments in technology and screens, our content is going to go anywhere and we need to move away from designing for specific devices. For us as UX designers this means means letting content rather than devices guide layouts, but also increasingly moving away from designing and wireframing pages and instead focusing on the modules that those pages are made up of.
The device agnostic design approach places a bigger weight on our shoulders in terms of ensuring that what we design will in fact work across devices, irrespectively of what device that is used. As a result we need to be clever in how we approach design, development and specification to ensure we spend our resources appropriately, but also that we build something that can adapt to as many different platforms and screen sizes as possible.
In this workshop you’ll get a thorough understanding of and hands on experience with:

  • why we should do device agnostic design
  • the basics of modular and device agnostic design
  • what it means to approach a project in a modular way
  • how to go about doing it
  • module libraries and how to use them using content as the basis for responsive design breakpoints

Anna Dahlström

Anna Dahlström

Founder and Interaction Designer
London, UK

Swedish IA+UX designer with a soft spot for cafes, challenges & flexible working.

Anna is a former Experience Lead with Dare, the Digital Communication Agency.
After a couple of years, she decided to leave her position and go freelance, in order to pursue her own projects and focus more specifically on Information Architecture and User Experience, as well as getting more involved in the startup community. She’s worked for BBC News, Disney, Tropicana, Max Factor, Google, Vodafone and Johnson & Johnson. She’s also an instructor at General Assembly in London where she’s based.


3 reasons to attend

Improve and develop your skills, attending human-sized workshops, blending together creativity and pragmatism. Get a chance to turn theory into practice and to ask questions about your own projects and endeavours.
Share moments and ideas with the UX community, as well as connecting and amplifying your network and its impact. Meet innovators and people sharing your interests from all across Switzerland and Europe, discuss your projects and get a whiff of the new trends.
Learn from the best and take a dip in the creative world. Benefit from emulation and collective learning, working with set purposes and increasing your scope on Design, Interaction and User Experience.
Presented by :ratio

A swiss web agency that specializes in the ergonomics and design of websites, mobile apps, intranets and machine interface.
Organized by UXRomandie

Local chapter of IxDA (Interaction Design Association), we organize monthly events to try restoring meaningful relationships between people and the products & services they use.

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